The Link Between Your Stress And Your Spine

Dr. Beau Pierce

Stress often triggers some cycle of pain or dysfunction, and the process is coordinated through your nervous, immune, and musculoskeletal systems.

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Dr. Beau Pierce


The Link Between Your Stress and Your Spine

Bottom Line:

Your stress level and spinal health are linked through your nervous system.

Just think about what happens to you physically when you get stressed out.

Your muscles tense, your breathing patterns change, and often, so does the way you move. Changes inyour posture, for example, can lead to neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, and more – all in response tothe stress you’re feeling.

Why it Matters:

Stress often triggers some cycle of pain or dysfunction, and the process is coordinated through yournervous, immune, and musculoskeletal systems.

Here's an example. If you're stressed out, you may notice you start to exercise less, which may lead topain and stiffness, which may bring your mental health down, which may in turn lead to more stress.

You should know, our team can help you combat the effects of stress on your body.Let’s look at an alternative...

  •   Stress can affect your posture and the way you move.
  •   That abnormal motion can lead to pain and inflammation.
  •   Chiropractic adjustments to the body can help improve your posture, the way you move, and
  • lessen any physical irritation to your nerves.
  • Next Steps:
  • In short, movement is the best natural "medicine" for bringing down those stress levels and improving theway you move and feel. In fact, daily exercise has been shown to lower stress levels, elevate moods, andimprove overall health.
  • Between workout sessions, gentle chiropractic adjustments to the body can help keep you moving welland keep any pains at bay so you can get the daily exercise you need to stay well this holiday season.
  • So, if you are looking for a natural way to relieve those aches and pains so you can get back to beingactive, we hope you’ll give us a call!
  • Science Source(s):
  • Neurophysiological Effects of Spinal Manipulation. The Spine Journal. 2002.The Interaction Effect of Posture and Psychological Stress. EHAWC. 2011.

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