Shoulder Pain: How to Find Relief

Dr. Beau Pierce

Did you know... your shoulder is the most unstable and moveable joint in your body.

Its wide range of motion is facilitated by four primary muscles and their tendons, which together are calledthe rotator cuff.

If your shoulder becomes inflamed or an impingement occurs, you may make the mistake of avoidingusing your arm to help it heal.

It may surprise you to learn that controlled movement is one of the best ways to heal.
Not moving your shoulder can actually contribute to more pain - or even lead to a frozen shoulder!

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Did you know... your shoulder is the most unstable and moveable joint in your body.

Its wide range of motion is facilitated by four primary muscles and their tendons, which together are calledthe rotator cuff.

If your shoulder becomes inflamed or an impingement occurs, you may make the mistake of avoidingusing your arm to help it heal.

It may surprise you to learn that controlled movement is one of the best ways to heal.
Not moving your shoulder can actually contribute to more pain - or even lead to a frozen shoulder!

Why it Matters:

The most common source of pain in the shoulder is the tendons.Your tendons attach the muscles of the shoulder to the bones.

  •   If the sac of fluid that cushions your shoulder becomes swollen and painful as a result ofrepetitive motion, you may have bursitis.
  •   If a tendon in your shoulder becomes inflamed, you may have tendonitis.
  •   If a tendon gets pinched between or under the bones of your shoulder, it can result in shoulderimpingement. Lifting overhead repetitively can cause impingement, and you may experienceswelling and pain.
  •   If a tendon in your shoulder becomes torn, you guessed it – you have a rotator cuff tear. Yourrotator cuff can become damaged due to overuse, injury, or age, and tears usually cause painwhen lifting and may be accompanied by a popping sound.
  • Next Steps:
  • Your shoulder and spine work together.

While it may seem like they are two completely different and independent areas of the body, research hasshown that postural abnormalities can play a significant role in your likelihood of developing shoulderpain.

Maintaining a full range of motion in your shoulder and in the spinal joints of your neck and mid-back canhelp reduce your chances of experiencing shoulder pain.

If you’ve been living with shoulder discomfort or difficulty moving, take a moment to contact us for acomplete evaluation.

We'll work together with you to create a movement-based plan that gives you the best chance of findinglong-term relief, naturally.

Science Source(s):

Immediate Effects of Spinal Manipulation on Shoulder Motion Range and Pain in Individuals withShoulder Pain: A Randomized Trial. J Chiropr Med. 2019.

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